Sunday, December 19, 2010

Being Alone

There is something about being alone that beckons me
Watching a man with his tefillin bowing to his G-d
A child on a swing, pumping and peddling her way into her dreams
An adult all bundled up, making fresh prints in the snow...

I think what draws me in is the reality that being alone is our only true state
We are born in that state and we die in that state

I find that being alone is comforting
It gives me the space to just be

When alone, I find calm 
In that state there are 
No phones to answer, no emails to check
No one to make demands or seek council
Nothing to do but just be

And when refueled and restored, 
I am ready to come out of the state of being alone 
And I am ready to answer the phone and check those emails.......

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